6 research outputs found

    Гендерна особливість вживання прецедентних феноменів (на матеріалі твору А. Фукс «Заборонена німецько-німецька любов»)

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    Стаття присвячена проблемам гендерної лінгвістики. На матеріалі твору німецької літератури виявлено та проаналізовано прецедентні феномени в мовлення чоловіка та жінки. Визначено функцію даних прецедентних феноменів. (This article is devoted to the problems of gender linguistic. The modern linguistic focuses its researches on the principle of the anthropology. Characteristics of linguistic personality become important while studying human in language. Researchers of various sciences focused great attention on the problems of gender in the second half of the XX century. Researches of this question were separated into an independent branch of science – genderology that covers a wide range of issues and numerous scientific fields – gender psychology, gender sociology, gender philosophy. Gender linguistics has a special place among them. Gender linguistics is a scientific branch that studies linguistics in the gender area. Domestic and foreign scholars were engaged in the problems of gender linguistics Gender issues in linguistics are considered in two ways: a man and a woman depicted in linguistics and differences in their speech. In this article we analyze the usage of precedent phenomena in speech of men and women. Among the tools used in speech in different functions (characterization, compositional, informative, and others), a special place take precedent phenomena. As precedent phenomena. we understand knowledge component, marking and contents of which are well known to members of certain ethnic and cultural communities, relevant and used in cognitive and communicative terms. The understanding of precedent phenomena is based on background and encyclopedic knowledge of the addressee. We analysed some examples and saw that the speech of woman has more precedent phenomena than the speech of man. The precedent phenomena were used in the function of comparison. Communication using precedent phenomena has been successful, as evidenced by further remarks of recipients. Man’s speech is clearer, more constructive and effective. Female speech is descriptive, detailed and romantic, at least that was seen in the examples analyzed above.

    Perturbative connection formulas for Heun equations

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    Connection formulas relating Frobenius solutions of linear ODEs at different Fuchsian singular points can be expressed in terms of the large order asymptotics of the corresponding power series. We demonstrate that for the usual, confluent and reduced confluent Heun equation, the series expansion of the relevant asymptotic amplitude in a suitable parameter can be systematically computed to arbitrary order. This allows to check a recent conjecture of Bonelli-Iossa-Panea Lichtig-Tanzini expressing the Heun connection matrix in terms of quasiclassical Virasoro conformal blocks.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Прецедентні феномени як засіб вираження іронії (на матеріалі твору Х. Конзаліка «Гірко-солодкий сьомий рік») (Precedent phenomena as a means of expressing irony (based on work of H. Konzalik «Bitter-sweet seventh year»))

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    Стаття присвячена проблемі розуміння поняття іронії та вираження її через прецедентні феномени. На матеріалі твору німецької літератури виявлено та проаналізовано прецедентні феномени, з допомогою яких автор твору створює іронічний ефект. (Various approaches to understanding the concept of irony are considered in this article. On the material of work of H. Konzalik «Bitter-sweet seventh year» were identified and analyzed precedent phenomena with which the author creates an ironic effect. To study the linguistic-stylistic irony manifestations at different levels of language it is appropriate to use division of irony according to the context: the situational and associative. Associative irony depends on the text presupposition of a global nature, extralinguistic and intertextual presupposition. One of the ways to create irony is the use of precedent phenomena. In this study irony is created by the effect of exaggeration, that appears as a comparison of historical events and persons with ordinary events and people. On the examples we have demonstrated the creation of ironic effect through precedent phenomena: precedent names Caeser and Cleopatra and the precedent situation. In the analyzed fragments of novel of H. Konzalik «Bitter-sweet seventh year» as precedent names used world-famous names Caesar and Cleopatra, which caused no problems with decoding, just created reference to the precedent situation – transportation of Cleopatra made us search for information in historical references. Our investigation s howed that irony is a complex multi-level phenomenon, a special form of emotional, comical, critical attitude to reality.

    Accessory parameters in confluent Heun equations and classical irregular conformal blocks

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    International audienceClassical Virasoro conformal blocks are believed to be directly related to accessory parameters of Floquet type in the Heun equation and some of its confluent versions. We extend this relation to another class of accessory parameter functions that are defined by inverting all-order Bohr-Sommerfeld periods for confluent and biconfluent Heun equation. The relevant conformal blocks involve Nagoya irregular vertex operators of rank 1 and 2 and conjecturally correspond to partition functions of a 4D N=2\mathcal{N}=2, Nf=3N_f=3 gauge theory at strong coupling and an Argyres-Douglas theory

    Perturbative connection formulas for Heun equations

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    Connection formulas relating Frobenius solutions of linear ODEs at different Fuchsian singular points can be expressed in terms of the large order asymptotics of the corresponding power series. We demonstrate that for the usual, confluent and reduced confluent Heun equation, the series expansion of the relevant asymptotic amplitude in a suitable parameter can be systematically computed to arbitrary order. This allows to check a recent conjecture of Bonelli-Iossa-Panea Lichtig-Tanzini expressing the Heun connection matrix in terms of quasiclassical Virasoro conformal blocks

    The Categories «Modus» and «Modality» in the Linguistic Investigations

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    У роботі розглянуто суперечливі питання категорій «модус» і «модальність». Систематизовано різні дум¬ки щодо їхнього розуміння та ієрархічного зв’язку. Запропоновано трактування взаємозв’язку цих категорій на основі двох різних значень лексеми «модус». Уточнено поняття актуалізацій, кваліфікаційних і соціальних категорій модусу. Розкрито можливості вираження цих категорій мовними засобами, які об’єднуються у функціонально-семантичне поле модальності. The article deals with problematic questions of the linguistic categories «modus» and «modality». Different points of view on their understanding and hierarchical relations are systematized. Correlation of these categories is investigated on the basis of two different meanings of the lexeme «modus»